
J. MÜLLER expands storage capacity - new hall at Niedersachsenkai

J. MÜLLER erweitert die Lagerkapazität - Hallenneubau am Niedersachsenkai

The company J. MÜLLER has almost continuously adapted in its almost 200 years of existence [founded in 1821] and aligned itself to the new conditions and challenges
of the increasingly international trade in goods.

J. MÜLLER is a leader in conventional general cargo transshipment on the German North Sea coast. To the north of the Brake seaport is the ultra-modern heavy-duty terminal, the Niedersachsenkai, with its 450m quay length and its excellent rail connection with four access rails and six sidings, two of which are right  on the pier facility. Iron and steel products of any structure are handled here on an area of 110,000 square meters - from long rails, hot and cold rolled coils, wire rod to large tubes as well as wind power and project cargo, round and sawn timber, pulp and paper.
The facility is unparalleled in Germany in terms of productivity, space layout and depth requirements. Due to the spacious grounds, it offers optimal conditions for handling complete shipments of industrial plants. Unit weights of up to 1,000 tons can be easily achieved. This is exactly what the terminal is designed for.
The mobile harbor cranes can lift up to 280 tones.

J. MÜLLER will focus even more on expanding the transshipment of pulp in the future.
In the last year alone [2019], more than 1 million tons of pulp could be handled.
To meet the requirements of the market and the growing need for this raw material,
J. MÜLLER has invested enormously. In May of this year, the second of the new warehouses with 5 hall segments was completed on the Niedersachsenkai. The NSK 3 warehouse with 2 hall segments has been in operation since January 2020.

The warehouses are not only designed for the storage of pulp, the walls are also suitable for storage of bulk cargos and can therefore be used flexibly. The warehouses located directly on the water which optimizes the processes extremely: The number of truck transports to the rear warehouse is now reduced, the handling is more efficiently aligned, these also improves the ecological balance.

The investment volume is 13.8 million Euros.

When awarding the individual construction trades, care was taken to use companies from the region as far as possible. More than 20 different trades were involved in the construction.

Facts of a new warehouses:
Investment volume EUR 13.8 million
Total size 28,559 sqm [Warehouses NSK 1 and 3]

Warehouse capacity Niedersachsenkai (including new warehouses) in total: 37,000 sqm
Brake terminals warehouse capacity
(including new warehouses Niedersachsenkai) in total: 225.000 sqm

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